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What is Truth?
Inspiration to the heart
By Phillip L. Hansen
Sunday AUG. 23, 2009 1:19 pm. Vancouver BC
Copyright © 2000 Phillip L Hansen - All rights reserved

Truth is what was, what is and what becomes, it is the same from the first to the last. It may be a bird in its nest, or an egg not yet hatched. What it was, it is not now, nor is it now what it will become.
Truth is consistent in endless space, in the eternities of now, though its changing face may fool us, as it rolls on in space and time. How is it the same from the first to the last, yet consistent in change evermore, to prevail and endure throughout all space, and the eons of time?
Truth is the substance of things as they were, as they are now and as they shall become. Truth travels through the landscape of space on the eternal wings of time, as all events from far or near unfold like an endless scroll, penned by breath of life, underwritten in your life and mine.
The past is the present eternally cast, unchanged by space or time, yet now it endlessly evolves, as we learn line upon line; however certain I am, disputed it is, in what others claim or suggest.
This may imply we know a truth more for what it is not, like the light or dark of milk in a black pot. Truth is as it is-- is never disputed; yet we dispute how to describe or understand, to define what is. However, do thoughts in any way imply or change what truth reveals?
Every Pico second countless events take place, throughout endless space of which we are unaware. No man can conceive one Pico of that, and less to describe as it is, while we remain oblivious to a billion events taking place in our own bone and flesh..
Out of truth, we observe and understand; all our lives are entwined. For what you think, I think is not, as we observe the same in time. One truth rings clear; truth is not a thought in the darkness of the mind, but a lamp that shines in the night, uniting your heart and mine.

Positive Thought
by Phillip L. Hansen
As I Think of All the Things that I Must Do,
I must do them in an order that is true.
I must form the habits that are in line,
To reach the goal and purpose in my mind.

I must learn the truth of all things too,
And harmonize all my efforts it is true,
With all principles and laws that do combine,
To make all dreams come true like yours and mine.

Two, Think as One
by Phillip L. Hansen
You think you think, I think I think,
What is and what is not;
But what you see and what I saw,
Is not at all the same.

So what is right, the weak or might:
If eye to eye we see,
For we must look more carefully,
We are both right and wrong.

In part we see, in part we know,
No room for selfish pride,
For you could help me understand,
A weakness that I hide.

So, as we share with open minds,
New truth expands our soul;
To think as one as we learn to see,
To understand and know.

Where is it that, concerning truth, we find most disagree or where do we differ most in our views? Perhaps, in the diversity of intent and purpose. We all would have distinct priorities and goals where we differ in our intent and purpose. Here I believe we will find is where we all differ. Then again it may extend into the values we have chosen and learned to cherish and to love in our heart, whether in the light or in the dark. Do we seek to prosper at the expense of another, or do we want to share prosperity in joy from the purity of the heart. Are we giving for the love of giving or is it for the love of gain? Do we seek to tower over another or to care for those who are in pain.
Happiness is as happiness does, and life is as life does, for what we give returns evermore. So, "Give not thinking as you give, This meagre portion that I share is mine a hundred-fold to spare; but give for the love of giving, not for the love of gain; this is the secret of success in love, fortune and fame. So why think to keep the good, the spoils give away, for that which we keep withers away, that which we share multiplies to stay." - PLH
The point we make here is that "oneness of purpose and intent", rather than diversity, cement our souls in one accord, to use our diverse talents to overcome the selfish passions, of envy, vain ambition, haughty pride or greed in the covetousness of the heart.
This is to know and seek the truth, with pure intent, to glorify our maker, as we serve and strengthen others, from the love we hold for all. For that which we sow to the good, we also in abundance reap. This is why those with less, who share are happiest and more secure, than those that horde in their secure barns, while true content and happiness eludes them.
Out of this comes the saying, "If you have too much of the things you do not want, then you should consider what you are putting out." - PLH
We can say again that, "Out of truth, we observe and understand; all our lives are en-twined. For what you think, I think is not, as we observe the same in time. One truth rings clear, truth is not a thought in the darkness of the mind, but a lamp that shines in the night, uniting your heart and mine."-PLH

The Truth is My Maiden
1997 Phillip L. Hansen

I love the truth.
The truth is my maiden,
She is faithful and true.
She's more precious than diamonds and rubies,
No other treasure will do.

She's found in the green leaves,
And in the branches,
And in the roots of the trees.
She is growing in splendour and glory,
A world of beauty is she.

She has freed me,
From false superstitions,
She has freed me from fear.
She is full of knowledge and wisdom,
Sound understanding in thee.

She's found in the past
And in the present,
And in the future you'll see.
She is truer than a straight line to heaven,
With you she'll always be.

She's found in the mountains,
In the depths of the ocean,
In the darkest of space.
She can fill your heart with emotion;
Light eternal is she.

Let us seek her in the purity of our heart, from the barrenness of a hungering soul, seeking the light of understanding and the love of God which is a tree of life, the power of freedom, peace and liberty in this life and immortality.
Knowledge or knowing the good and evil, the light of truth is to become as God. The power of God is in the love of truth and all things virtuous, lovely, praiseworthy and of good report, to seek after them and to live and do those things, in all ways with a pure heart and eyes of love.
Therefore said the Son of God, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.' Matthew 5:48
For thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the glory forever, Amen.

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