Now is Eternity!
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Now is Eternity!
Copyright © 1988 Phillip L. Hansen - All rights reserved

Eternity is timeless; time is endless. Time will never end; eternity never began. Are they not apart of, or one and the same?

Eternal progress begins and ends here and now, in the choices that we make. Choices made now, determine progress or stagnation. Now is the only side of Eternity that we will ever know. We cannot act in the future, nor in the past, as this moment is all that we have. We cannot change the past, for it is molded by us and cast into eternity. The future is forged by us with the anvil of today. Every Act of wisdom or folly wells itself to the unchanging past, that molds and shapes the present; in this moment of time.

All that we can ever hope to do is in the presents; this moment now. The past is only a source of reference, an opportunity to evaluate our progress, a means to determine our growth, development and direction. It serves to motivate us to better use of our talents and skills. The past is the filled pages in our lives. The future will be filled with our hopes and our dreams, as our thoughts actions and habits are expressed in harmony with eternal principle and law. This moment is all that we have, to hope, work, rejoice or sorrow in. It is ours choose, to enjoy the fruits of our labour, to learn and grow from our successes and failures; to continue on in a brighter more glorious future, because we know to treasure this moment of time.

Eternity is now! This moment we have now is the only part of Eternity we will ever know. To be our best or least is but a choice away.

With this truth in mind I shall never fear what the future holds, nor will I brood over the bad choices of the past. Today this moment I'll do just the best that I can and learn from what life freely gives. For reap we will just what we sow.

Dedicated to you who love the truth and wish to make the most of this moment of time.

A friend always, Phillip L. Hansen

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